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Current Openings

Forester Position

Foresters apply their knowledge and understanding of forestry, agriculture, and the natural and physical sciences to ensure that best management practices are being utilized at every opportunity.

Read the full job description of this position here.

Request for Qualifications

Lake County RCD is soliciting Requests for Qualifications (“RFQ”) from professionally qualified archeologist consultants who meet the Secretary of Interior Professional Qualifications Standards (PQS) for prehistoric archaeology. The selected PQS Archaeologist will perform onsite archaeological monitoring in coordination with a tribal monitor provided by the Middletown Rancheria, during all ground-disturbing activities in preparation for tree planting. Ground-disturbing activities are defined as the movement of sediment with heavy equipment or hand tools, including the operation of heavy machinery, vehicles, and personnel across the original ground surface. 

Read the full RFQ here.

Request for Proposals

Lake County RCD is soliciting Requests of Proposals (“RFPs”) from qualified Contractors to conduct earthwork and site preparation activities. The equipment required will include a rubber track skid steer, 8″ auger, bucker with blade, mower, grappler (or bucket w/ thumb), trencher and a water truck. This project will require California prevailing wage rates

Read the full RFP here.

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